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How to find information about tuition fees – guide



Tuition fees converted by currency for the spring semester 2023/2024 

Tuition fees converted by currency for the winter semester 2023/2024 

Tuition fee converted by currency for the spring semester 2022/2023


The currency is converted at the average exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland on 1 August (for payments due on 1 September) and on 2 January (for payments due on 1 February).


ORDINANCE NO 130 OF THE RECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW of 30 September 2019 on the principles for collection, as well as terms and procedure for exemption from the fees for educational services at the University of Warsaw



The tuition payment deadlines for all students in the academic year 2023/24

15 September in case of payment in 1 installment

15 September and 15 February in case of payment in 2 installments

On every 15th of the month (starting from 15 September) in case of payment in 10 installments (it applies to students who started studies not earlier than in 2019/20)


29 October 2023 – deadline for additional payments in the winter semester 2023/24

                                                                                                    20 March 2024  – deadline for additional payments in the spring semester 2023/24



Students who started studies in the academic year 2023/24 and 2024/25

  • For students who started their studies in the academic year 2023/24 and 2024/25 the tuition fee for each year of study is 22 000 PLN. Tuition fee in two installments is 11 000 PLN. The tuition fee in ten installments is 2 200 PLN.

 Additional payments link


Students who started studies in the academic year 2022/23

  • For students who started their studies in the academic year 2022/23 the tuition fee for each year of study is 20 500 PLN. Tuition fee in two installments is 10 250 PLN. The tuition fee in ten installments is 2 050 PLN.

Additional payments link


Students who started studies in the academic year 2019/20, 2020/21 or 2021/22

  • For students who started their studies in the academic year 2019/20 or 2020/21 or 2021/22 the tuition fee is 18 500 PLN. Tuition fee in two installments is 9 250 PLN. The tuition fee in ten installments is 1 850 PLN.

Additional payments 2019/20 link

Additional payments 2020/21 link

Additional payments 2021/22 link


Students who started studies in the academic year 2018/19

  • For EU students who started their studies in the academic year 2018/19 the fee is 3950 EUR. The tuition fee in two installments is 1975 EUR.
  • For non-EU students who started their studies in the academic year 2018/19 the tuition fee is 4950 EUR. The tuition fee in two installments is 2475 EUR.

Additional payments link


Students who started studies in the academic year 2017/18

  • For EU students who started their studies in the academic year 2017/18 the fee is 3950 EUR. The tuition fee in two installments is 1975 EUR.
  • For non-EU students who started their studies in the academic year 2017/18 the tuition fee is 4950 EUR. The tuition fee in two installments is 2475 EUR.

Additional payments link


Students who started studies in the academic year 2016/17

  • For EU students who started their studies in the academic year 2016/17 the fee is 3600 EUR. The tuition fee in two installments is 1800 EUR.
  • For non-EU students who started their studies in the academic year 2016/17 the tuition fee is 4700 EUR. The tuition fee in two installments is 2350 EUR.

Additional payments link




Frequently asked questions:

  • What is the account number to which I need to send the fees?

Your account numbers are available at your usosweb account: common section – Payments (model FK).

  • My tuition fee is in PLN, but I would like to pay it in EUR. Is it possible to change a currency?

For students who started studies at WISP in the years 2019/2020, 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 the tuition fee by default is in PLN. It is possible to change for a given academic year a currency to EUR, but only in very justified cases and based on the Dean’s consent. The consent issued for a given year is valid only for that year and the currency can not be changed during a year.

  • I have paid the first installment in PLN and by mistake a transfer for the second installment was made in EUR. Is it ok?

No, the money can not be transferred from one student account to another. You need to submit a request to the Dean for returning that money and make the transfer to the proper account.

  • Is it possible to change a payment deadline?

In case a request to change a deadline is submitted before the payment deadline and it includes a serious reason, the Dean can approve it.

  • I will be graduating this year, all the payments are already done and I still have a surplus on my payment account. How can I receive the money back?

You need to submit in usosweb a request for returning the extra money. You need to specify the exact amount, the currency and a bank account number to which the transfer should be made. It must be the same bank account number from which the money was transferred to the University account.